How Does God Give a Song in the Night?

Job 35:10 says “No one says, ‘Where is God my Maker, Who gives songs in the night?”” This verse reveals that even back in Job’s day, before any scripture was written, men knew that God gave songs to people. But it also reveals a problem—we don’t look to God for songs the way He wishes we did.

In Job’s context, the “night” must refer to a dark time of life, when we don’t see clearly. We don’t naturally feel like singing when our lot is difficult. A song in the night could come when God calls to our mind a hymn. Or maybe someone else sings to us, and the Holy Spirit uses it. It could be a song in a worship service. The verse refers to God as our Maker, who knows how to heal the wounds of the souls He created.

Whatever the case, God wants us to call to Him, not only for scripture, but also for music that strengthens us. Apparently music has a ministry in trials, especially music that contains God’s Word.

May each of us know how to pray, “Where is God, my Maker, who gives songs in the night?” May we trust Him enough that His music will minister great grace to us. Christians through the ages have been given strength to sing even under sore persecution (Acts 16:25).

May we also be the kind of Christian who is so Spirit-filled that God will use us to give a song of encouragement to another brother or sister who is in a dark time of life.

Peter Davis